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activity or duration1

Teprotumumab-trbw’s mechanism of action in patients with Thyroid
Eye Disease has not been fully characterized. Teprotumumab-trbw
binds to IGF-1R and blocks its activation and signaling.
IGF-1R, insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor.

*In Phase 2 and 3 studies (N=83).1

In Phase 2 and 3 studies (N=84) and Phase 4 study (N=41).1,5

TED is a serious, progressive disease that can present with a variety of signs and symptoms and may impact daily activities and emotional well-being.

Meet several patients below as they take you on their journey with TEPEZZA. You can also experience TED through the eyes of a patient with the TED Burden Simulator.

Explore Bonnie’s transformation on TEPEZZA

  • Baseline


    My name is Bonnie, and I was diagnosed with Thyroid Eye Disease in August of 2020. After trying steroids and not having any results in the reduction of my symptoms, my doctor and I decided that TEPEZZA was the best option for me.

    Select Important Safety Information

    TEPEZZA should not be used in pregnancy, and appropriate forms of contraception should be implemented prior to initiation, during treatment and for 6 months following the last dose of TEPEZZA. If the patient becomes pregnant during treatment, TEPEZZA should be discontinued and the patient advised of the potential risk to the fetus.

  • Infusion 1

    Infusion 1 Infusion 1

  • Infusion 2


    I can already see some of the swelling has gone down. My double vision is actually getting better as well.

  • Infusion 3

    Infusion 1 Infusion 1

  • Infusion 4


    I went to the doctor last week, and I had a reduction of about 4 mm on my left eye for bulging and 2 mm on my right eye.

  • Infusion 5

    Infusion 1 Infusion 1

  • Infusion 6


    I’m feeling great and really seeing wonderful results. I definitely feel like my eye bulging has gone down significantly. And after this infusion, I do feel like my eyelids have come down some, too. Now the double vision is almost completely gone.

  • Infusion 7


    I’m really excited with the results I’ve seen. I’m definitely still seeing a reduction of eye bulging, and I feel like I have more eye movement—peripheral and up and down.

  • Infusion 8 Compared With Baseline

    I can definitely tell a huge difference in where I started versus where I am now. I feel like I am looking more and more like myself every single day, I am thankful for this opportunity and the advances in science and medicine to be able to take TEPEZZA.

TEPEZZA has been shown to be effective in patients with TED with a wide range of clinical manifestations1,3,6,7

Because each patient responds differently to treatment, it is important that patients complete the full TEPEZZA treatment course of 8 IV infusions as studied in clinical trials1

  • Low disease activity patient: Sarah

  • Low disease activity patient: Mary

  • Low disease activity patient: Andrew

  • Low disease activity patient: Ashley

Experience the burden of TED

See the world through the eyes of patients living with the burden of TED by engaging in 3 patient-inspired challenges.



What’s next?

Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) can be a vision-threatening autoimmune
disease, and its symptoms are not always obvious.8-10

Are you ready to
take action?

Do you treat patients with TED?


TEPEZZA is indicated for the treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease regardless of Thyroid Eye Disease activity or duration.



Infusion Reactions: TEPEZZA may cause infusion reactions. Infusion reactions have been reported in approximately 4% of patients treated with TEPEZZA. Reported infusion reactions have usually been mild or moderate in severity. Signs and symptoms may include transient increases in blood pressure, feeling hot, tachycardia, dyspnea, headache, and muscular pain. Infusion reactions may occur during an infusion or within 1.5 hours after an infusion. In patients who experience an infusion reaction, consideration should be given to premedicating with an antihistamine, antipyretic, or corticosteroid and/or administering all subsequent infusions at a slower infusion rate.

Preexisting Inflammatory Bowel Disease: TEPEZZA may cause an exacerbation of preexisting inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Monitor patients with IBD for flare of disease. If IBD exacerbation is suspected, consider discontinuation of TEPEZZA.

Hyperglycemia: Increased blood glucose or hyperglycemia may occur in patients treated with TEPEZZA. In clinical trials, 10% of patients (two-thirds of whom had preexisting diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance) experienced hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemic events should be controlled with medications for glycemic control, if necessary. Assess patients for elevated blood glucose and symptoms of hyperglycemia prior to infusion and continue to monitor while on treatment with TEPEZZA. Ensure patients with hyperglycemia or preexisting diabetes are under appropriate glycemic control before and while receiving TEPEZZA.

Hearing Impairment Including Hearing Loss: TEPEZZA may cause severe hearing impairment including hearing loss, which in some cases may be permanent. Assess patients’ hearing before, during, and after treatment with TEPEZZA and consider the benefit-risk of treatment with patients.


The most common adverse reactions (incidence ≥5% and greater than placebo) are muscle spasm, nausea, alopecia, diarrhea, fatigue, hyperglycemia, hearing impairment, dysgeusia, headache, dry skin, weight decreased, nail disorders, and menstrual disorders.

Please see Full Prescribing Information for more information.

  1. TEPEZZA (teprotumumab-trbw) [prescribing information] Amgen.
  2. Douglas RS, Kahaly GJ, Patel A, et al. Teprotumumab for the treatment of active Thyroid Eye Disease.N Engl J Med. 2020;382(4):341-352.
  3. Douglas RS, Couch S, Wester ST, et al. A randomized, quadruple-masked, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of teprotumumab in patients with chronic (inactive/low CAS) Thyroid Eye Disease. Presented at: ENDO 2023; June 15-18, 2023; Chicago, IL. Poster SAT-459.
  4. Douglas RS. Teprotumumab, an insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor antagonist antibody, in the treatment of active Thyroid Eye Disease: a focus on proptosis. Eye (Lond). 2019;33(2):183-190.
  5. Data on File. Amgen, July 2023.
  1. Bahn RS. Graves' ophthalmopathy. N Engl J Med. 2010;362(8):726-738.
  2. Wang Y, Patel A, Douglas RS. Thyroid Eye Disease: how a novel therapy may change the treatment paradigm. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2019;15:1305-1318.
  3. Patel A, Yang H, Douglas RS. A new era in the treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease. Am J Ophthalmol. 2019;208:281-288.
  4. Wang Y, Sharma A, Padnick-Silver L, et al. Physician-perceived impact of Thyroid Eye Disease on patient quality of life in the United States. Ophthalmol Ther. 2021;10(1):75-87.
  5. Dik WA, Virakul S, van Steensel L. Current perspectives on the role of orbital fibroblasts in the pathogenesis of Graves' ophthalmopathy. Exp Eye Res. 2016;142:83-91.
  6. Patel P, Khandji J, Kazim M. Recurrent Thyroid Eye Disease. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015;31(6):445-448.
  7. Douglas RS, Kahaly GJ, Ugradar S, et al. Teprotumumab efficacy, safety and durability in longer-duration Thyroid Eye Disease and re-treatment: OPTIC-X study. Ophthalmology. 2022;129(4):438-449.
  8. Bothun ED, Scheurer RA, Harrison AR, Lee MS. Update on Thyroid Eye Disease and management. Clin Ophthalmol.2009;3:543-551.
  9. Barrio-Barrio J, Sabater AL, Bonet-Farriol E, Velázquez-Villoria Á, Galofré JC. Graves' ophthalmopathy: VISA versus EUGOGO classification, assessment, and management. J Ophthalmol.2015;2015:249125.
  10. Thyroid Eye Disease. National Organization for Rare Disorders. 2020. Accessed December 8, 2022.
  11. TEPEZZA (teprotumumab-trbw) [prescribing information] Amgen.
  12. Risk factors for the development of Thyroid Eye Disease in patients with Graves' disease. Clin Thyroidology for the Public. 2021;14(8):5-6.
  13. Verjee MA, Brissette AR, Starr CE. Dry eye disease: early recognition with guidance on management and treatment for primary care family physicians.Ophthalmol Ther. 2020;9:877-888.
  14. Burch HB, Perros P, Bednarczuk T, et al. Management of Thyroid Eye Disease: a consensus statement by the American Thyroid Association and the European Thyroid Association. Thyroid. 2022;32(12):1439-1470.
  15. Dolman PJ. Grading severity and activity in Thyroid Eye Disease. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018;34(4S supp 1):S34-S40.
  16. Ozzello DJ, Dallalzadeh LO, Liu CY. Teprotumumab for chronic Thyroid Eye Disease. Orbit. 2022;41(5):539-546.
  17. Ponto KA, Merkesdal S, Hommel G, Pitz S, Pfeiffer N, Kahaly GJ. Public health relevance of Graves' orbitopathy.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013;98(1):145-152.
  18. McAlinden C. An overview of Thyroid Eye Disease. Eye Vis (Lond). 2014;1:9.
  19. Bartley GB, Fatourechi V, Kadrmas EF, et al. Clinical features of Graves' ophthalmopathy in an incidence cohort. Am J Ophthalmol. 1996;121(3):284-290.
  20. Terwee C, Wakelkamp I, Tan S, Dekker F, Prummel MF, Wiersinga W. Long-term effects of Graves' ophthalmopathy on health-related quality of life. Eur J Endocrinol. 2002;146(6):751-757.
  21. Bartley GB. The epidemiologic characteristics and clinical course of ophthalmopathy associated with autoimmune thyroid disease in Olmsted County, Minnesota. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc. 1994;92(1):477-588.
  22. Neigel JM, Rootman J, Belkin RI, et al. Dysthyroid optic neuropathy. The crowded orbital apex syndrome.phthalmology. O1988;95(11):1515-1521.
  23. Cockerham KP, Padnick-Silver L, Stuertz N, Francis-Sedlak M, Holt RJ. Quality of life in patients with chronic Thyroid Eye Disease in the United States. Ophthalmol Ther. O 2021;10(4):975-987.
  24. Smith TJ, Kahaly GJ, Ezra DG, et al. Teprotumumab for thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy. N Engl J Med. 2017;376(18)(suppl):1748-1761.
  25. Wiersinga WM, Perros P, Kahaly GJ, et al. Clinical assessment of patients with Graves' orbitopathy: the European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy recommendations to generalists, specialists and clinical researchers. Eur J Endocrinol. 2006;155(3):387-389.
  26. Stan MN, Garrity JA, Bahn RS. The evaluation and treatment of Graves ophthalmopathy. Med Clin North Am. 2012;96(2):311-328.
  27. Douglas RS, Kahaly GJ, Patel A, et al. Teprotumumab for the treatment of active Thyroid Eye Disease. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(4):341-352.
  28. Ross DS, Burch HB, Cooper DS, et al. 2016 American Thyroid Association guidelines for diagnosis and management of hyperthyroidism and other causes of thyrotoxicosis. Thyroid. 2016;26(10):1343-1421.
  1.  TEPEZZA (teprotumumab-trbw) [prescribing information] Amgen. 
  2. Patel A, Yang H, Douglas RS. A new era in the treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease. Am J Ophthalmol. 2019;208:281-288. 
  3. Bahn RS. Graves' ophthalmopathy. N Engl J Med. 2010;362(8):726-738. 
  4. Douglas RS. Teprotumumab, an insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor antagonist antibody, in the treatment of active Thyroid Eye Disease: a focus on proptosis. Eye (Lond). 2019;33(2):183-190. 
  5. Douglas RS, Kahaly GJ, Patel A, et al. Teprotumumab for the treatment of active Thyroid Eye Disease. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(4):341-352.
  6. Dik WA, Virakul S, van Steensel L. Current perspectives on the role of orbital fibroblasts in the pathogenesis of Graves' ophthalmopathy. Exp Eye Res. 2016;142:83-91.
  7. Ugradar S, Kang J, Kossler AL, et al. Teprotumumab for the treatment of chronic Thyroid Eye Disease. Eye (Lond). 2022;36(8):1553-1559.
  8. Data on File. Amgen, November 2020.
  1.  TEPEZZA (teprotumumab-trbw) [prescribing information] Amgen.  
  2. Patel A, Yang H, Douglas RS. A new era in the treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease. Am J Ophthalmol. 2019;208:281-288. 
  3. Douglas RS, Kahaly GJ, Patel A, et al. Teprotumumab for the treatment of active Thyroid Eye Disease. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(4):341-352.
  4. Douglas RS. Teprotumumab, an insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor antagonist antibody, in the treatment of active Thyroid Eye Disease: a focus on proptosis. Eye (Lond). 2019;33(2):183-190.
  5. Kahaly GJ, Douglas RS, Holt RJ, Sile S, Smith TJ. Teprotumumab for patients with active Thyroid Eye Disease: a pooled data analysis, subgroup analyses, and off-treatment follow-up results from two randomised, double-masked, placebo-controlled multicentre trials. Lancet. 2021;9(6):360-372.
  6. Data on File. Amgen, April 2023.
  7. Smith TJ, Kahaly GJ, Ezra DG, et al. Teprotumumab for thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy.N Engl J Med. 2017;376(18):1748-1761.
  8. Data on File. Amgen, May 2022.
  9. Wiersinga WM, Perros P, Kahaly GJ, et al. Clinical assessment of patients with Graves' orbitopathy: the European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy recommendations to generalists, specialists and clinical researchers. Eur J Endocrinol. 2006;155(3):387-389.
  10. Bothun ED, Scheurer RA, Harrison AR, Lee MS. Update on Thyroid Eye Disease and management. Clin Ophthalmol.2009;3:543-551.
  11. Rollet J. Symptoms, quality of life improve with teprotumumab for adults with Thyroid Eye Disease.Endocrine Today. October 31, 2019. Accessed September 11, 2021.
  1. Douglas RS, Couch S, Wester ST, et al. A randomized, quadruple-masked, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of teprotumumab in patients with chronic (inactive/low CAS) Thyroid Eye Disease. Presented at: ENDO 2023; June 15-18, 2023; Chicago, IL. Poster SAT-459.
  2. Data on File. Amgen, April 2023.
  3. TEPEZZA (teprotumumab-trbw) prescribing information Amgen.
  1. TEPEZZA (teprotumumab-trbw) [prescribing information] Amgen.
  2. Smith TJ, Kahaly GJ, Ezra DG, et al. Teprotumumab for thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy. N Engl J Med. 2017;376(18):1748-1761.
  3. Douglas RS, Kahaly GJ, Patel A, et al. Teprotumumab for the treatment of active Thyroid Eye Disease. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(4):341-352.
  1. Diniz SB, Cohen LM, Roelofs KA, Rootman DB. Early experience with the clinical use of teprotumumab in a heterogenous Thyroid Eye Disease population. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. 2021;37(6):583-591
  2. Ugradar S, Kang J, Kossler AL, et al. Teprotumumab for the treatment of chronic Thyroid Eye Disease.Eye (Lond) . 2022;36(8):1553-1559.
  3. Douglas RS, Kahaly GJ, Patel A, et al. Teprotumumab for the treatment of active Thyroid Eye Disease. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(4):341-352. 
  4. TEPEZZA (teprotumumab-trbw) [prescribing information] Amgen.
  5. Data on File. Amgen, January 2020.
  6. Ozzello DJ, Dallalzadeh LO, Liu CY. Teprotumumab for chronic Thyroid Eye disease. Orbit. 2022;41(5):539-546.
  7. Douglas RS, Kahaly GJ, Ugradar S, et al. Teprotumumab efficacy, safety and durability in longer duration Thyroid Eye Disease and retreatment: OPTIC-X study.Ophthalmol. 2022:129(4):438-449.
  1. TEPEZZA (teprotumumab-trbw) [prescribing information] Amgen.
  2. Smith TJ, Kahaly GJ, Ezra DG, et al. Teprotumumab for thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy. N Engl J Med. 2017;376(18)(suppl):1748-1761.
  3. Smith TJ, Kahaly GJ, Ezra DG, et al. Teprotumumab for thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy. N Engl J Med. 2017;376(18)(protocol):1748-1761.
  4. Wiersinga WM, Perros P, Kahaly GJ, et al. Clinical assessment of patients with Graves’ orbitopathy: the European Group on Graves’ Orbitopathy recommendations to generalists, specialists and clinical researchers. Eur J Endocrinol. 2006;155(3):387-389.
  5. Smith TJ, Kahaly GJ, Ezra DG, et al. Teprotumumab for thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy. N Engl J Med. 2017;376(18):1748-1761.
  6. Douglas RS, Kahaly GJ, Patel A, et al. Teprotumumab for the treatment of active thyroid eye disease. N Engl J Med. 2020;382(4):341-352.
  7. Smith TJ, Hoa N. Immunoglobulins from patients with Graves’ disease induce hyaluronan synthesis in their orbital fibroblasts through the self-antigen, insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004;89:5076-5080.
  8. Kahaly GJ, Douglas RS, Holt RJ, Sile S, Smith TJ. Teprotumumab for patients with active thyroid eye disease: a pooled data analysis, subgroup analyses, and off-treatment follow-up results from two randomised, double-masked, placebo-controlled, multicentre trials. Lancet. 2021;9(6):360-372.
  9. Data on File. Amgen, May 2022.
  1. TEPEZZA (teprotumumab-trbw) [prescribing information] Amgen.
  2. Data on File. Amgen, April 2022.
  1. TEPEZZA (teprotumumab-trbw) [prescribing information] Amgen.
  1. TEPEZZA (teprotumumab-trbw) [prescribing information] Amgen.
  2. Data on File. Amgen, May 2022.
  1. Ross DS, Burch HB, Cooper DS, et al. 2016 American Thyroid Association guidelines for diagnosis and management of hyperthyroidism and other causes of thyrotoxicosis. Thyroid. 2016;26(10):1343-1421.
  2. Barrio-Barrio J, Sabater AL, Bonet-Farriol E, Velázquez-Villoria Á, Galofré JC. Graves’ ophthalmopathy: VISA versus EUGOGO classification, assessment, and management. J Ophthalmol. 2015;2015:249125.


TEPEZZA is indicated for the treatment of Thyroid Eye Disease regardless of Thyroid Eye Disease activity or duration.



Infusion Reactions: TEPEZZA may cause infusion reactions. Infusion reactions have been reported in approximately 4%