The mechanism of action of teprotumumab in patients with TED
not been fully characterized. Teprotumumab-trbw binds to
IGF-1R and
blocks its activation and signaling.
IGF-1R, insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor.

TEPEZZA has been shown to be effective in
patients with TED with a wide range of clinical manifestations1-3

Because each patient responds differently to treatment, it is important that patients complete the full TEPEZZA treatment course of 8 IV infusions as studied in clinical trials4

See results for patients treated with TEPEZZA in Phase 2/3 clinical trials

Patient treated with TEPEZZA in a clinical trial. Patient completed a full course (8 IV infusions) of treatment with TEPEZZA.
Results shown are with no surgical intervention. Individual results may vary.4,5

IV, intravenous.

See results for patients with low disease activity TED treated with TEPEZZA

See more results for additional patients treated with
TEPEZZA throughout the full course of 8 IV infusions

Case of patient with TED and their individual experience with TEPEZZA. Individual results may vary. Clinical presentations represent a range of patients with TED. Patients with prior surgery or orbital radiation treatment for TED, history of compressive optic neuropathy, and concomitant steroid use were excluded from clinical trials for TEPEZZA.
OD, oculus dexter (right eye); OS, oculus sinister (left eye); OU, oculus uterque (both eyes).

Additional Study Data

In the OPTIC-X study, TEPEZZA decreased proptosis in
patients who had a disease flare and were re-treated7

Graph showing the trial design and follow-up for the TEPEZZA OPTIC-X retreatment for patients who have had a disease flare Graph showing the trial design and follow-up for the TEPEZZA OPTIC-X retreatment for patients who have had a disease flare

For patients who had a proptosis response at Week 24 and then experienced a flare,* the majority (63%; 5 of 8) achieved improvements in proptosis (≥2-mm reduction from OPTIC-X baseline) with a second course of TEPEZZA at Week 24 in OPTIC-X7†

The OPTIC-X patients who did not experience a ≥2-mm improvement in proptosis (n=3) had reductions relative to their OPTIC baseline (3 mm, 3 mm, and 4 mm, respectively)7

* Defined by general presence of symptoms indicating flare, in addition to at least 1 of the following: increase in proptosis of ≥2 mm in the study eye since Week 24 or an absolute CAS of at least 4 in the study eye with a ≥2-point increase.7

OPTIC-X re-treatment efficacy with TEPEZZA7

Only 8 patients contributed to data at Week 24, as 1 patient had a significantly delayed visit due to COVID-19 and was excluded from Week 24 analysis per the
statistical analysis plan.7

A flare was defined as

Patients losing ≥2 mm of their Week 24 proptosis improvement during the 48-week OPTIC follow-up period, even if their proptosis was still substantially better than at OPTIC baseline7
Patients experiencing an increase in CAS of at least 2 points from OPTIC Week 24, with an absolute CAS of at least 4 in the study eye7
Presence of symptoms7

OPTIC-X study design

OPTIC-X evaluated safety and efficacy of TEPEZZA in patients who were proptosis nonresponders at OPTIC Week 24 or proptosis responders at Week 24 but flared during 48-Week follow-up period.